Basis various studies and excerpts from business leaders, I have highlighted the top 10 data trends that I foresee will be strategic for most organizations in 2017.This year’s trends examine the evolving ways enterprises can realize better business value with big data and how improving business intelligence can help transform organization processes and the customer experience (CX).
Big Data Simplified
Big data: everyone seems to be talking about it, but what is big data really? How is it changing the way researchers at companies, non-profits, governments, institutions, and other organizations are learning about the world around them? Where is this data coming from, how is it being processed, and how are the results being used? And why is open source so important to answering these questions?
Business Analytics Simplified
How many of you are really good in business analytics and excel skills and can analyse “any” huge data? You really enjoy working on analytical tools and come up with solutions that are useful for decision making? I know majority of you would enjoy working in a field which is not only interesting but equally rewarding too.